Friday, January 7, 2011

What's Up Dog?

"As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly."
Proverbs 26:11

My brother and sister-in-law have a cute little puppy named Manny. The problem is he is just that, a puppy. Even though his toys are scattered around the house, he always goes for what he can't have - a stuffed animal, blanket, a hat. Yet, while I was taking the same glove away for what felt like the millionth time, this verse popped into my head, and I realized, sometimes I am a lot like Manny.

Even though I have so many good and life-giving options available, I keep choosing those things I can't have. I choose the gossip rather than the encouragement, the judgement rather than the love, or the shame rather than the freedom. As Solomons describes in Proverbs, I am a fool repeating my folly. 2 Peter has some harsh words for those who get stuck in this pattern.

So today, I challenge us - let's stop repeating our follies. Let's stop being entangled by the things of the world and instead, choose what God has abundantly provided for us.

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